LGBT Studies Undergraduate Minor Application

Minor Application Information:

Cornell University undergraduates in any college can minor in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender(LGBT) Studies in conjunction with a major defined elsewhere at the university. Interested students should make an appointment with the Director of LGBT Studies, 180 Rockefeller Hall, 607/255-6480.

LGBT Studies Coursework:

The minor consists of one required course, LGBT 2290 Introduction to LGBT Studies, and 3 other courses in LGBT Studies, no more than 2 of which can come from a single discipline. A course cannot be counted toward an undergraduate major and an LGBT minor; furthermore, a course cannot be counted towardboth a FGSS minor and an LGBT Studies minor. Since course offerings change annually, students must consult the list of offerings each year to see whether a specific course will count toward the minor. Students register through the home department or program, and may petition the Director of LGBT Studies for courses not listed.

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